The Guyana Football Federation has issued its first in a series of monthly bulletins featuring the work of the organization; the first edition captured highlights of the January – February period.
This initiative, according to President Wayne Forde, is a critical part of the Council’s commitment to “strengthen communications across the membership and stakeholders” and for “open, transparent and timely information sharing.”
Among the areas covered in the first edition are those related to the key development pillars of the GFF Strategic Plan 2017–2021: Finding Our Focus including Technical Development, Competitions, Governance And Member Associations and Football Administration.
It features capacity building initiatives including the refreshers training for GFF Academy Training Centres-aligned coaches, coaches’ training in Region 1 and Concacaf Executive Mentorship programme. It also highlights the performance of our U20 men and women national teams who recently realized creditable performances in their respective Concacaf tournaments. Also included are other competitions held during the period including the GFF-Always Championship Cup. It also featured the Members Financial Support Programme and an update of construction works being done at the GFF Training Centre, Providence.
“The GFF’s monthly newsletter sets out to highlight those activities, projects, events and programmes that punctuate the strategic journey of the football fraternity,” Forde wrote in the Foreward. “It will attempt to bring to life the meaningful work that is taking place throughout the fraternity, driven by our coaches, volunteers, officials and partners, that oftentimes goes unnoticed.”
The edition can be viewed by this link: